
Japanese beauty and the colors of the four seasons through Tsumami-zaiku...


華やか、雅やかな京都で生まれ、宮中の絢爛な美への憧れを載せ江戸にわたり、 凛々しく、「粋」な町民文化によって育まれた 「つまみ細工」 。

正絹をつまみ、折り畳み 花鳥風月を表す超絶技巧は、悠久の美への探求が生み出した 日本が誇る伝統美。

〝時代を超えた真の美で 髪を、暮らしを彩りたい〟。故郷「火の国・水の国」熊本で培った 〝四季彩〟美に熱い想いをのせて。



The art of creating Tsumami-zaiku was born in the gorgeous and graceful city of Kyoto, and was later nurtured by the dignified and stylish culture of the townspeople in Edo (present-day Tokyo), who were inspired by the splendor and beauty of the imperial palace.

To create Tsumami-zaiku, artisans pinch and fold pure silk to express the beauty of flowers, birds, the wind, and the moon. This superb technique preserves a traditional art that is the pride of Japan, created through an eternal quest for beauty.

By decorating hair and people’s lives with exquisite natural designs over many years, these craftworks express the passion for the beauty of the four seasons that has been cultivated in our craftswoman’s hometown, Kumamoto, the “Land of Fire and Water.”

We dream of sharing this unique beauty with everyone.

つまみ細工  ほっこり。





What is Tsumami-zaiku?



Tsumami-zaiku is a traditional Japanese handicraft that originated in the Edo period (1603-1867). Artisans pinch and fold thin pieces of silk or the cotton cloth used in kimonos to create an object, typically one reflecting the beauty of nature, such as flowers, birds, the wind, or the moon, by combining several techniques such as "round pinches" and "sword (square)” pinches.

The Edo Tsumami Kanzashi, one special product of Tsumami-zaiku has been officially designated as a traditional handicraft by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.

つまみ細工 ほっこり。 永田もえ





Production Process (when using double-layered pure silk)


1. 生地を裁断する

1. Cut the fabric

生地の組織の線である「生地の目」を 確認しながら 正方形に生地を裁断する。
While following the grain of the fabric, cut the fabric into a square shape.

2. 糊をこねる

2. Knead the glue paste

糊板と糊ベラをを使い光沢や粘着が でるまでしっかりこねる。 手前で俵状にして糊ベラを寝かせて 糊を押し出すような形で 1~1.5㎜程の厚さで均等に伸ばす。
Use a glue board and glue spatula to knead the glue paste until it becomes glossy and sticky. Shape the glue into a mound, lay the glue spatula flat, and push the glue out to create an evenly stretched layer with a thickness of approximately 1-1.5 mm.

3. 花弁を摘む

3. Pick petals

専用のピンセットを使い 生地をの裏表を確認しながら花弁を摘み、 順番に糊板に葺いていく。 5分前後おいて布に糊を染み込ませる。
Use special tweezers to pick the petals, checking the front and back of the fabric. Place the petals on the glue board one by one. Let it sit for about 5 minutes to let the glue soak into the fabric.

4. 葺く

4. Apply petals, “Fuku

あらかじめ準備していた花台紙に 花弁を葺いていく。 形を整える。
Place the picked petals onto a previously prepared flower base paper. Arrange the shape of the petals.

5. 花芯をつける

5. Attach the flower core

Attach the core to the flower that was shaped with petals and let it dry.

7. 完成

7. Completion

※「葺く」 瓦職人が「瓦を葺く」ということと  同意義。

 ※ "Fuku" is synonymous with "to overlap" in the context of roofing tiles.




ほっこり。 永田もえ 








Introducing the Craftswomen

Ms. Moe Nagata, the owner of Hokkori Craft Shop

Ms. Nagata was born in Kumamoto Prefecture in Japan. Influenced by her grandmother, who was an expert dancer, she learned how to perform traditional Japanese dances in her childhood. The kimonos that are traditionally worn by Japanese dancers would become an important part of her life.

She was often inspired by the graceful beauty of the “maiko,” or apprentice geishas, especially their elegant “kanzashi” hairpins, which are a popular type of Tsumami-zaiku. Supported by her mother, who crafts kimono-based accessories and handmade decorative flowers and trees, Ms. Nagata motivated herself to fully acquire the similar skills and techniques.

In 2016, Ms. Nagata started down the path to become a professional craftswoman. After an earthquake in Kumamoto that caused extensive damage to her hometown, she decided to move to Tochigi Prefecture, where her brother lived. She opened her own craft shop, "Hokkori,” along with her mother, and sought to begin her career as an artist.

Her specialty in Tsumami-zaiku is creating traditional hairpins, especially ones where each petal-like "sagari" string of hairpins daintily sways like real flower petals in the wind, complementing the wearer’s beauty and elegance. Her craftworks are highly popular for their gorgeous use of colors that are rarely found in the Kanto region.

We wish to share with you Ms. Nagata and her mother’s heartfelt artworks of pure silk-made Tsumami-zaiku, including hairpins, combs, and camphor balls, as well as handmade Japanese accessories such as decorative flowers and trees.





  • 住所:〒320-0802 栃木県宇都宮市江野町4-6えにらぼ内(オリオン通り商店街内)
  • 電話:070-4538-6908
  • メール:hokkori-wazakka@e-mail.jp
  • 営業時間: 11:00 - 17:00
  • 定休日:火・水曜(臨時休業あり)
  • ウェブ:http://www.hokkori-wazakka.com
  • instagram:@hokkori_wazakka_m

オーダー受注、 思い出のお着物のリメーク相談も承っております。 


  • Address:Enirabo, 4-6 Eno-machi, Utsunomiya City, Tochigi 320-0802 (within the Orion Street Shopping Street) 320-0802
  • TEL:070-4538-6908
  • EMAIL:hokkori-wazakka@e-mail.jp
  • Business Hours: 11:00 - 17:00
  • Closed Dates:Tuesday and Wednesday(plus occasionally closed)
  • Website:http://www.hokkori-wazakka.com
  • instagram:@hokkori_wazakka_m

We also accept orders for customized products, and offer consultation service for remodeling your memorable kimonos. 
